CCPP is a project dedicated to the Socio-economic, Livelihood, Health, Hygiene, and Nutritional development/improvement of 35,000 workers of Youngone Group out of whom 26,000 are females residing in Ward # 38, 39 & 40 of Chattogram City Corporation (CCC). The project has been implemented with on outstanding success story from the year 2002 to 2009 in 8 phases in a tripartite approach/modalities by Timbarland/Care international, Youngone and Mamata. After withdrawal of Financial and Technical support from Timbarland /Care international, Mamata upon an agreement with Youngone Group has been implementing the CCPP with its own funding and skilled manpower since 2010 with the steering administrative and monitoring support of Youngone Group.
Meanwhile in conjunction with of Youngone Group Mamata developed Health Care Services Delivery Project (HCSDP) and submitted it to Youngone Group. Through the excellent effort of its senior Management at Hongkong and CEPZ, the HCSDP project has been implemented with in the purview of CCPP since 2014 with the financial grant from Patagonia through Tide Foundation. \\r\\nThe project activities were disrupted due to COVID-19 in last year. During the two months of April and May 20, the project was completely shut down due to COVID-19. Activities resumed from June \'20. At this time, conducted special sessions at static and satellite clinics to raise awareness about COVID-19 and as well as to deliver to health care service.
Goal of the Project:
The objective of the project is to improve the health care of 35,000 workers of Youngone Company and other factory workers living in wards 36, 39 and 40 of Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) in the area of CEPZ.
Objectives of the Project:
Enhanced awareness of garment workers, specially female garment workers on Health Hygiene, Nutrition and Sanitation.
Enhanced awareness of reproductive health, safe sex, safe delivery, FP Methods, Child health and EPI (on referral). Promotion of TT among female garment workers.
Improved health seeking behavior of garments worker through strong BCC activities on general health, communicable and Non communicable diseases at the residence (of workers) level, satellite, Static and Loan session in CCPP
Improved health care service delivery through CCPP Static Clinic, Satellite Clinic and House hold levels and Mamata Maternity Centres (on referral) through deployment of Medical Officer, Paramedic and health Workers. To provide medicine to garments workers with substantial subsidy.
To provide color USG service to the pregnant mother at a minimum cost with the support of Youngone Group.
Project Budget: